Today I went to the Markets in the very heart of Dakar. There are several that wind their way through the dusty streets of the city. It was so crowded! And it wasn’t the worst they have ever seen it because it was a weekday. There are too many cars and usually you are trying not to get run over when walking in the streets (the sidewalks are the parking lots and stores here) they wiz by not even a foot from pedestrians.
I got a few things in the market but I want to surprise you! It’s a really interesting system here the only non-negotiable prices here are the bus fares. The buses are an adventure of their own as well. They will cram 40 people in this small van that is brightly painted (5 across and 6 rows and 2 benches sometime people hang onto the back). All the markets are on the bartering system. And they go nuts trying to sell you things. The people won’t hesitate to follow you around with their wares and offer you the most ridiculous things! I got offered a child's snow suit in 85 degree weather! (lol) Some of the venders can be very demanding and persistent.
These venders love whites… love to target… they hiss at you to get your attention but the general rule is not to look because they see that as an invitation to shove things in your face. Sometimes they will wait for Toubabs (white people) at the entrance of the market and “guide” you through the market even when you tell tem politely that you don’t need their help. What they really want is to take you to their makeshift stands and try to guilt you into buying their wares. If you refuse they may still demand payment for “showing you the way” but you really don’t have to pay them if you don’t ask them too yourself.
Another thing here is the abject poverty the chokes this place. It really is very sad and it makes the veracity of the stand owners understandable (still annoying, but understandable). The garbage is just as overwhelming, there are literally piles of trash everywhere. At night you can smell it being burned but the many homeless camps and house squatters. This place is just so full of absolutely everything that I can’t even begin to wrap my head around it. I hope you liked my novel!
Love Katie XOXOXOX
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